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The activity was carried out in conjunction with the Reforestemos Foundation and included the planting of 30 native trees.


A group of Quiñenco workers arrived at the Parque Metropolitano to participate in a reforestation day carried out together with the Reforestemos Foundation, whose objective is to rehabilitate areas through restoration, protection and planting of native trees.

At the event, which took place in the Bosque Santiago area, the workers planted 30 trees of native species such as quillay, mayú and belloto del norte.

“It was an extraordinary experience, both for the chance to learn more about the importance of reforestation in central Chile, and for the opportunity to spend time with people from different teams within the company in a setting other than the workplace,” said Valerie de la Harpe, Quiñenco’s Chief Organizational Development Officer.

The planting process was supervised by the professional team and volunteers from the Reforestemos Foundation, which guarantees a higher survival rate for the planted trees.

“At Quiñenco we have a sustainability policy that guides our actions as a company. With this type of activity we seek to cultivate this vision in everyone who works in the company. These are small gestures that reflect a deep conviction,” concluded Eduardo Garnham, Quiñenco’s Chief Financial Officer.