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Logo Grupo Quiñenco S.A.
Law 20,393 on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities
Quiñenco S.A. and subsidiaries have a Crime Prevention Model (the “Model”) that fulfills the requirements of Law 20,393. Pursuant to the Model, the channels for filing complaints or making inquiries are as follows:

• Email: [email protected]
• In writing, addressed to the Compliance Team, at Enrique Foster Sur 20, 15th floor, Las Condes, Metropolitan Region.
• A complaint form is included below.

The Compliance Team will guarantee confidentiality of the information regarding the situations reported and any that becomes known during its investigation or analysis, as well as the anonymity of the whistleblower, where appropriate.
The company will adopt the necessary safeguards to ensure that a whistleblower will not be subject to any measure that, as a result of the complaint, jeopardizes or harms their employment situation or employment opportunities or, in the case of a third party who files a complaint, negatively affects their rights and obligations arising from the legal relationship with the company or the continuity of such relationship as a result of their complaint.

Code of Conduct
Likewise, Quiñenco S.A. has a Code of Conduct, which establishes the principles and standards that regulate the behavior of everyone who works in the company. This code formalizes Quiñenco S.A.’s position on relevant core business aspects so that they are known, valued and respected by all employees.
To ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct, Quiñenco S.A. has established a channel for reporting violations, which can be submitted using the form on this site and can also be anonymous.

Law 21,643 (“Karin Law”)
If you wish to file a complaint regarding Sexual Harassment, Workplace Harassment or Workplace Violence in accordance with Law No.21,643 (“Karin Law”), please use the form on this site.
The person responsible for receiving complaints regarding Sexual Harassment, Workplace Harassment or Workplace Violence and for guiding the complainant will be the Organizational Development Manager or, in their absence, the Manager in charge of Human Resources.