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Logo Grupo Quiñenco S.A.


Relevant Information

  • As of December 31, 2023

  • Quiñenco's interest: 19.3%
  • Book value of investment: Ch$325,070 million
  • Investment since: 2008
  • Employees: 28,367
  • Address

  • Immeuble Le Vinci, 4 Allee De L’arche 92070, París, La Défense, Francia.
  • Telephone: (33) 1 78 15 00 00
The French multinational Nexans is one of the largest cable producers in the world, with operations in 41 countries. As of December 31, 2023, Quiñenco held an indirect interest of 19.3%, making it a long-term, reference shareholder.

Its investment in the French multinational dates back to 2008. Since then, and given its firm conviction in Nexans' business, Quiñenco has focused on consolidating its interest and contributing to the company’s development and growth. In April 2023, Invexans Limited, an indirect subsidiary of Quiñenco, adjusted its interest in Nexans, reducing Quiñenco’s stake in the French multinational to 19.2%, while maintaining its position as a reference shareholder with active participation on its board of directors.

Nexans is one of the leading players in the global cable industry, and in recent years its development strategy has evolved towards positioning itself as a global electrification benchmark, along with continuing to produce high value-added products and promote research and development in the industry.

The French company employs over 28,300 people worldwide and reported consolidated sales of €7.790 million in 2023.

Quiñenco is represented by three members on Nexans' board and also participates in its four directors’ committees: Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee; Compensation Committee; Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee; and Accounts, Audit and Risk Committee.

Nexans shares are traded on Euronext Paris.


in millions of euros as of December 31 of each year
2022 2023
Sales 8,369 7,790
Operating income 420 432
Net income attributable to owners of the controller 245 221
Total assets 6,402 6,536
Total liabilities 4,735 4,824
Shareholders' equity 1,652 1,695

Contribution to Revenues by Business Area

Revenues €7,790 million as of December 31, 2023