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Logo Grupo Quiñenco S.A.
  • At the Shareholders’ Meeting, Pérez Mackenna remarked that no company will be left untouched by the effects of the global crisis, but the holding’s consistent track record of value creation and diversification affords it more flexibility to adapt to the circumstances.
  • Carolina García de la Huerta was newly elected to the Board of Directors of Quiñenco. The Chairman of the Board, Andrónico Luksic Craig, described her appointment as “one more step on the path we have forged to incorporate more women in upper management at our companies.”

Santiago, April 30, 2020.- “We find ourselves in difficult times, unprecedented in the last 100 years of our history.” With this reference to the COVID-19 public health crisis and its effects on the global economy, Francisco Pérez Mackenna, CEO of Quiñenco, welcomed the company’s shareholders to the meeting presided over by Jean-Paul Luksic, which was conducted completely online.

“Chile and the world are being affected by a pandemic that reminds us of the fragility of the human race while threatening the global economy,” reflected Pérez Mackenna prior to analyzing in depth the results of the holding and its companies during 2019.

The CEO of Quiñenco confirmed that its diversification strategy, both at a business and market level, together with consistent value creation over the years, will enable the company to deal with the current economic hardship. “Even though, like all companies, we are exposed to a complex global situation, this diversity gives us an agile and flexible position with a strong capacity to face threats and respond to opportunities as the global economy begins to reactivate,” he affirmed.

Quiñenco closed the year with an increase in net income of 16.4% with respect to 2018, reaching Ch$210,049 million, which is explained by strong performances from most of its business segments. Another contributing factor to the holding’s 2019 earnings was the sale of its entire interest in the insurance business, producing an after-tax gain of Ch$14,289 million.

New Director

At the meeting, shareholders reelected the following individuals to the company’s board: Andrónico Luksic Craig (Chairman), Jean-Paul Luksic Fontbona (Vice-chairman), Nicolás Luksic Puga, Andrónico Luksic Lederer, Hernán Büchi Buc, Pablo Granifo Lavín and Matko Koljatic Maroevic (independent). They will be joined by a new director, Carolina García de la Huerta Aguirre. Ms. García de la Huerta has a degree in journalism from Universidad Católica de Chile and an extensive background in media, strategic communications and crisis management.

A founding partner of the company Nexos until 2014, she left to take on the role of Corporate Affairs and Communications Officer for Quiñenco, a position she held until December 2019. Since then, she has been an advisor to the company’s Board and a member of the Board of the Luksic Foundation. From 2013 to 2017, she served on the Board of Canal 13, which she chaired from February 2014 to April 2015.

After the appointment of Carolina García de La Huerta, the Chairman of the Board of Quiñenco, Andrónico Luksic Craig, remarked that this “is one more step on the path we have forged to incorporate more women in upper management at our companies.” Carolina has an outstanding professional track record and knows Quiñenco and its subsidiaries very well. I am sure she will make a substantial contribution in this new phase.”


More details on the annual results of Quiñenco S.A., and its subsidiaries are available at: Quiñenco reports net income of Ch$210,049 million in 2019

Click here for the 2019 annual report and financial statements of Quiñenco S.A.


Quiñenco is one of the largest, most diversified corporate conglomerates in Chile, with approximately US$63.7 billion in consolidated assets. It owns interests in leading companies in the financial, beverage, manufacturing, energy, transportation and port services industries, which together employ over 68 thousand people in Chile and abroad. More information is available at